How to Remove Home From Settings on Windows 11 (Show System Settings By Default)

How to Remove Home From Settings on Windows 11 (Show System Settings By Default).

The Settings app on Windows 11 not too long ago obtained a brand new ‘Home’ web page. This web page is the default web page that the app now opens to, and homes your beneficial and most used settings, however not a lot else. If your means across the Settings app, this Home web page is usually irrelevant, and it’s best to take away it.    

There are a few methods to take away the Home web page from the Settings app. First is using the Registry Editor and second is using the Group Policy Editor. Do contemplate making a backup first in both case in order that if issues go south, you may restore back to the present setup.

Method 1: From the Registry Editor

The Registry Editor lets customers from any Windows model take away the Home web page from the Settings app. 


Open Registry Editor (sort regedit in RUN field) and navigate to ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer. Next, right-click and choose New > String Value. Rename it SettingsPageVisibility. Open it and enter hide:residence as ‘Value data’. Click OK to reserve it.


  1. Press Win+R to open the RUN dialog field, sort regedit, and hit Enter.
  2. Navigate to ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer or copy and paste the identical into the registry editor’s tackle bar, and hit Enter.
  3. With ‘Explorer’ chosen within the left pane, right-click on the precise and choose New and String Value.
  4. Rename the brand new string SettingsPageVisibility.
  5. Open the string and enter hide:residence as ‘Value data’ and click on OK.
  6. Close the registry editor and open the Settings app. The ‘Home’ web page would have disappeared.

Method 2: From the Group Policy Editor

Windows 11 Pro customers also can use the Group Policy Editor to take away the Home web page from the Settings app. 


Open Group Policy Editor from the RUN dialog field or the Start menu. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel. Double-click on Settings Page Visibility, set it to Enabled, sort hide:residence underneath Options, and click on OK.


  1. Press Win+R to open the RUN dialog field, sort gpedit.msc, and hit Enter.
  2. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel.
  3. Double-click on Settings Page Visibility on the precise.
  4. Set it to Enabled.
  5. Under Settings Page Visibility Options, sort hide:residence.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The Home web page would have disappeared from the Settings app.

If you wish to deliver back the Home web page, merely undo the adjustments made within the strategies above. 

How do I get the Home web page back in Settings?

Well, reverse the motion you probably did above. If you used the Registry Editor, then merely delete the “SettingsPageVisibility” entry you created earlier.

And in the event you used the Group Policy Editor for this, then choose the Not configured possibility now.

Microsoft’s behavior of including new pages and choices doesn’t all the time yield essentially the most user-friendly outcomes. Sometimes it’s best to go away alone issues that simply work. We hope this information helped return the Windows 11 Settings app to its basic view with out the extraneous ‘Home’ tab. Until next time!

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