How do I Install Spicetify on your Windows PC

How do I Install Spicetify in your Windows PC.

What to know

  • Install Spotify from Spotify’s official web site. Then merely run Spicetify’s PowerShell script to put in it.
  • When prompted, ensure to put in Spicetify’s Marketplace as nicely.
  • Spicetify allows you to customise Spotify in a number of alternative ways, together with blocking advertisements, bettering features, including new components, in addition to sprucing up Spotify with themes.

How do I set up Spicetify on Windows

Being a command-line device, you needn’t obtain any information. Simply working a PowerShell command would do.

However, do guarantee that the Spotify shopper put in in your PC was downloaded from Spotify’s web site, and never through Microsoft Store. Then, set up Spicetify by working the next command on PowerShell. 

iwr -useb up.ps1 | iex

When prompted if you wish to set up Spicety Marketplace, sort Y.

Once the command is executed efficiently, Spotify will launch robotically. You ought to see the ‘Cart’ icon within the prime left nook of Spotify.

Click on it to entry the Spicetify Marketplace.

The Spicetify Marketplace has tons of extensions to customise Spotify, add new choices, change themes, block advertisements, and far more. If you’re not sure which extensions or add-ons to get, try our 10 favourite Spicetify Extensions.

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