New Valorant Map Sunset: Release Date, Layout, Trailer & More

New Valorant Map Sunset: Release Date, Layout, Trailer & More.

Riot Games doesn’t disappoint us in terms of showcasing new content material in-game. Recently, the Valorant developer disclosed that we’re getting a brand new map and a brand new duelist later in 2023. After that, gamers began speculating when the brand new map would come out. And now, throughout the Valorant Champions 2023 that ended with EG’s win, Riot Games posted a teaser of the brand new Sunset map coming to Valorant.

In this teaser, we see Cypher and Deadlock speaking about an underground intervention. This was confirmed when Valorant launched an in-game participant card the place the place within the card appeared like LA. After yet one more tease of Gekko’s wingman video, Riot Games lastly launched the gameplay trailer of the brand new Valorant map Sunset. And right here’s all the pieces it’s worthwhile to learn about Sunset, together with its structure, launch date, and more.

Valorant Sunset Release Date

Valorant’s new map Sunset shall be launched on August 29, 2023, in Episode 7 Act 2. The map will include the discharge of Valorant’s greatest agent patch update – Episode 7 Act 2. The up to date Breeze map in Valorant will be part of the opposite maps with Sunset, whereas Fracture and Pearl will depart the map rotation.

Valorant Sunset Map Layout

Sunset Minimap Overview

Valorant Sunset Minimap Layout

The map is easy and has no gimmicks like teleporters, ziplines, or rotating doorways. Sunset is just like Valorant’s map Ascent by way of structure. The websites join on to the spawns and mid. Moreover, there are two breakable doorways on each websites, just like Ascent.

Sunset Map Layout

The A web site is broad and gunfight-friendly, whereas the B web site is more congested and crammed with a variety of corners you can anticipate gamers to camp with a shorty.

Sunset A site

The back of B web site has a boba store, which goes to grow to be the “B Boba” callout. This connects the B web site to the Defender spawn and the Mid Top. The map seems to be mid-heavy. Sunset additionally appears small on rotation from web site A to web site B. There are a variety of corners on the map, and that’s the reason brokers like Breach or Sova might be essential Valorant brokers in your comp.

Sunset full map view

The map visuals, textures, and artwork look acquainted to Los Angeles, California. There are retailers, vehicles, and a basketball course too. Overall, the map does justice to the coastal metropolis of the USA visually and shall be an important fixed map on the aggressive scene, identical to Ascent.

Valorant Sunset Map Trailer

The Sunset map trailer was first proven on the Valorant Champions 2023 Grand Finals pre-match phase. The trailer showcases Valorant brokers partaking with Kingdom Labs. In the trailer, we additionally see the brokers making an attempt to shut a portal. After the explosion, we see the clones of all of the brokers and a fast gameplay preview of the map. Sunset shall be Valorant’s tenth map in three years. In this preview trailer, we will see all of the areas on the map in a glimpse. We will update this text with more actionable information as soon as the map goes stay.

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